What are Opioids? Opioids work by lowering the number of pain signals your body sends to your brain. They also help with how your brain responds to pain. They help manage pain after a surgery or injury but they are highly addictive when abused. Crisis in America The opioid crisis in U.S. is one of the newest public health emergencies in this generation. It is one of the leading causes of unintentional deaths, causing more deaths than motor vehicle crashes. It is affecting nearly everyone . . .

RADON IS THE SECOND LEADING CAUSE OF LUNG CANCER IN THE UNITED STATES AFTER SMOKING. Radon can build up to dangerous levels in any home, whether it's new or old, well-sealed or drafty, and regardless of whether it has a basement. This naturally occurring, colorless, odorless, and radioactive gas comes from the soil and cannot be detected without a test. Radon is responsible for about 50% of the public's exposure to natural radiation in many countries. Along with smoking and secondhand smoke, . . .

Water Testing
The test kits contain instructions on: 1. How to test your water 2. When to test 3. Where to send your kit. Samples should be submitted or mailed as soon as possible after collection. Mail your test early in the week to avoid Friday delivery. Samples over 30 hours old must be discarded. The Nebraska Public Health Department Lab will provide you with your test results. Water test kits can be picked up . . .

West Nile
Fight The Bite! The return of warm weather in central Nebraska brings with it mosquitoes. LBPHD traps at three different collection sites in Garfield County as part of the West Nile Virus (WNV) surveillance program. West Nile virus symptoms: Fever Headaches Body aches Nausea Vomiting Sometimes swollen lymph glands Skin rash on the chest, stomach, and back Symptoms usually last a few days. Severe West Nile Symptoms . . .

Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are parasitic insects that feed exclusively on blood. The name bed bug derives from the preferred habitat of warm houses, especially near or inside beds and bedding. A number of adverse health effects may result from bed bug bites, including skin rashes, psychological effects and allergic symptoms. Bed bugs are not known to transmit any pathogens. Adult bed bugs are light brown to reddish-brown, flat, oval and have no hind wings. Bed bugs have segmented abdomens with . . .

Farm Safety
Central Nebraska’s Farm Safety 4 Just Kids This year, Safety Day occurred on Wednesday, June 7th and the main topic was bike safety. Every child attending received a bike helmet along with a goodie bag filled with donated items from area businesses. Our most valuable asset is our children. Yet, each year thousands of children are hurt as a result of a preventable accident. . . .

Food Safety
What is Food Poisoning? Foodborne illness (sometimes called food poisoning, food-borne disease, or food-borne infection) is common, costly, and preventable. You can get food poisoning after swallowing food that has been contaminated with a variety of germs or toxic substances. Click here to view a map with . . .

Lead exposure can cause: -Damage to the brain and nervous system -Slowed growth and development -Learning and behavior problems -Learning and speech problems Lead testing is recommended for children 1 to 6 years of age and adults who are exposed to high lead levels through their work such as: -Painters -Auto repair workers -Galvanizers -Plumbers . . .

Mold and mildew can grow indoors in persistently damp places. Common locations are: -Basement -Around the kitchen sink -Bathrooms You can usually detect mold growth by seeing or smelling it. If you have asthma, you may be allergic to mold. (But don’t worry that you are falling victim to "toxic" mold.) Any shortness of breath or other symptoms you experience most likely have more to do with your underlying allergic sensitivity to mold than the nature of . . .