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Loup Basin Public Health Dept.

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About Us

Mission : Working together to promote and support healthier lifestyles through preventative services for all people within our department's district. Vision : Healthier people, Healthier Communities, Healthier Tomorrows What is Public Health?  Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn work, and play.  What does Loup Basin Public Health . . .

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2022 Surveys

  2022 Community Health Assessment (CHA)  The CHA process is collaborative and is intended to se rve as a single data report for multiple coalitions, organizations, and hospitals in the 9 county regions unified by Loup Basin Public  Health Department. The purpose of the CHA's process is to describe the current health status of the community, identify and prioritize health issues, better understand the range of factors that can impact health, and identify assets and . . .