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Loup Basin Public Health Dept.

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LBPHD works with the Tri-Cities Medical Response System (TRIMRS), to help to strengthen emergency response through collaboration.

​Central District Health Department serves as the coordinator for the Tri-Cities Medical Response System. As the Coordinator, CDHD writes and facilitates community-wide disaster drills and table-top exercises. CDHD helps hospitals, clinics, and community organizations form new partnerships that can work together to respond to disasters and be prepared for emergencies. 

​Healthcare coalitions were established across the United States to bring healthcare organizations and their response partners together to jointly prepare for disasters and public health emergencies that threaten to overwhelm the capability and the capacity of the medical community to respond.  They are funded by the Department of Health and Human Services through the National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program. 

Healthcare coalitions consist of healthcare organizations, health departments, emergency managers, medical response, and public safety partners that all have one goal.  That goal is to ensure that their communities are safer, healthier, and more resilient. 

Loup Basin Public Health Department is part of the Tri-Cities Medical Response System (TRIMRS) Healthcare Coalition.  TRIMRS is one of seven healthcare coalitions in Nebraska.  The TRIMRS region covers 23 counties, over 2,500 square miles, four health departments, 18 hospitals, 25 emergency managers, and 500,000 residents.

Click this link to learn more about TRIMRS.

Matt Larson

Healthcare Coalition Coordinator

402.469.2138/  mattlarsontrimrs@gmail.com 

Hospitals and other medical response agencies may wish to contact TRIMRS regarding:​

  • Medical surge / mass casualty events
  • Mass fatality events
  • The potential that the hospital will overrun its normal bed capacity for assistance in contacting other hospitals in the region or statewide to obtain medical supplies, equipment, personal protective equipment and human resources
  • For activating the TRIMRS owned Mobile Medical Assets
  • To alert other TRIMRS members of any event that has the potential to alter its normal operations to a point that additional resources may be needed

Hospitals should contact their local public health departments in the following situations:

  • Evacuation
  • Sheltering
  • Damage
  • Disruption of services
  • Medical surge
  • Mass casualty incidents
  • Mass fatality incidents
  • Potential for going over bed capacity
  • Community health concerns
  • Coordinating the movement of patients out of the hospital
  • Public statements in an event
  • Disruption in capabilities/capacities to provide normal services
  • Disease outbreaks
  • Contacting the Department of Health & Human Services
  • Need for behavioral health resources

Public Health can also provide the following resources:

  • Public information

  • Medical supplies and personal protective equipment

  • Access to Medical Reserve Corps, ESAR VHP, COAD(s), and VOAD 

  • Guidelines regarding disease outbreaks

Program Manager: Catie Larsen | 308-346-3006 | clarsen@lbphd.ne.gov